Monday, December 10, 2007

The Kaw Tribe

The Kaw shelter is one of the strangest shelters in the Indian race. The Kaw used two main houses when constructing, one which is made to keep rain and cold weather out. And the other for keeping cool in the summer. Both of these homes were referred to cabanes. Their homes were made from many different things, but the main thing that kept them warm, and made a strong outside layer was the bark from a rare tree in the area. When the Kaw were on the move manly when they were hunting they used skin covered tipis. Their permanent homes were 60 feet long and 25 feet wide. Poles and beams manly supported their large houses. Their roofs were patched with leaves and sticks from the area. Their houses had no windows because it was so cold in the area they lived in. Their houses were formed usually under shelter. The name of their home cabanes was later formed into the word cabins, and mountain home. The blankets and cloth they used were from the bison. The Kaw camped usually close to a river or stream for easy access to water use. The Kaw shelter was very unusual but still very effective in their lifetime.

The clothing of the Kaw tribe was unlike any other tribe. The men wore blue and red breechcloth with a belt, and on rare occasion’s leather shoes. These cloths were manly for every day jobs. The men had to shave their heads because it showed respect to their god. The women wore moccasins, and knee leggings. A special costume was given to the tribe for tribal meeting and gatherings. Winters were spent with the buffalo to keep warm. The buffalo or bison’s fur was used to make cloths. The Kaws tribal meeting cloths was very colorful and festive. Each costume and the meetings had different meanings. When the Kaw were hunting they wore clothing that matched the background’s then their prey didn’t run away if they saw them. The Kaws jewelry was made from hair, beads, and bones from small animals. After a kill in hunting the Kaw would make masks that resembled the animal. The Kaw would use sticks for sewing and weaving material. The Kaws clothing was some of the most interesting in Indian history.

Hunting was very important to the Kaw people. Twice a year the Kaw would go west to hunt a massive amount of bison. Bison was the main supplier of meat to the Kaw tribe. The Kaw hunted few other animals the other animals they did hunt were elk and doe. Material from the elk and doe’s horns was used to make utensils and weapons. The Kaw had a special trap they used to trap the bison. One man on a horse would round them up and bring them to the others, then they through a net on the bison and brought them home in the net. The hide from the bison was used for many things. The children were taught to hunt by shooting blow darts at squirrels and chipmunks. Bow and arrow was used for hunting manly because it was one of the only range weapons the Kaw had. The arrowheads for the arrow were carved from rare rocks found on the beach. The tip of there blow darts had a special herb that makes you drowsy and makes you fall asleep. This was manly used for large animals. The hunting methods of the Kaw were very effective.

The Kaws language was interesting and complicated. The Kaw spoke the Siouan language. The last speaker of this language died in the early 20th century. The ancestors of this tribe are trying to bring it back to life by teaching it to their children. The Siouan language is familiar to the Dhegiha language. The Siouan language is trying to be broche. The Siouan language originated in the early 14 hundreds, scientists guess. The Kaw had a special language they spoke to other tribe with to trade called the Risqis language. The Kaw communication with touch as well as speaking. The Kaw language was one that was very unique.

The Kaw lived in a very remote place. The Kaws originated in Oklahoma but traveled east sometimes. The land was very dry and desert like. Which made terrible living conditions. The land was the worst farmland because the ground was so infertile. Many droughts accord because it got so hot in that area and the rivers ran dry. The land was full with animals, which made it very good for hunting. Many enemy Indian tribes lived close to the Kaw. Which made it very often for there to be wars. Very few rivers ran through the land so they had to search for lakes and streams for water. Oklahoma was not discovered for awhile so the Kaw was able to stay away from the Europeans. The Kaw lived in a dreadful place but they still managed to thrive on.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

garret, i really liked this essay because of all the detail that you put in to this. lokks like you did a really good job.