Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This year the day after Christmas my family and I are going to Montana. Ushally we go to Montana every year for Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle, but this year were going for Christmas. Were gong to leave the day after Christmas and drive 10 hours till we get to Calesbell were my uncle lives. My aunt and ucle own a big horse ranch up in Montana and they have a pretty big house, and a guest house were we stay in. While were there were going to go snowboarding on big mountian were my cousin works and go boarding and sking. And we get to go hunting for pheasent there alot of birds up were my uncle lives. It's gona be a fun trip.


@nthony said...

sounds like its going to be fun!! i wish i could go with u because i wnat to go snowboarding!!!

Emma said...

sound like you are going to have a lot of fun because i love horses and snowboarding. im jealous. hope it's a great trip
Good Job,

. said...

I hope you have fun, because my mom went to college in helena, montana, and went skiing at the same place as you. I've been to montana before and had lots of fun.

Chirs said...

Going to Montana sounds fun.

casey said...

sounds like its going to be fun because you get to go hunting and snowboarding.