Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This year the day after Christmas my family and I are going to Montana. Ushally we go to Montana every year for Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle, but this year were going for Christmas. Were gong to leave the day after Christmas and drive 10 hours till we get to Calesbell were my uncle lives. My aunt and ucle own a big horse ranch up in Montana and they have a pretty big house, and a guest house were we stay in. While were there were going to go snowboarding on big mountian were my cousin works and go boarding and sking. And we get to go hunting for pheasent there alot of birds up were my uncle lives. It's gona be a fun trip.

new truck

Last weekend I got my first car. My dad's freind Joe is getting rid of a truck so he asked if we wanted it and we said yes. I'ts a 1988 Ford truck the only problem is it has no engine in it. But Joe had a spare egine for it so were going to put it back in and get it running to be my first car. the price was just right it was free, last weekend we spent all day cleaning it and out and cleaning the inside. It looked pretty good when we were done with it. And then sunday we had to get the engine and all the parts to my house from joes house. We loaded it up in a tractor and drove it down. We haven't put the engine in yet but when we will all have my first car.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007


During the past month of social studies class, my partner and I have been working on an explorer project. My partner’s name is Anthony and we chose our explorer to be Eric the Red who was a 1500s viking and had a great journey in his life. This particular project pretty much took about 5 weeks maybe 6 to finish. Everyday after English we would go up to the library and go to work, I though this project was pretty fun because of how much we worked on it. This project was one of the most fun projects I have ever done but my partner and I had many struggles on the way.

The best part of this project to me was probably being able to go up to the computers or any other places and just work. In every other project I’ve done in class there’s always been a structured plan of when each thing had to be done. There was in this project too but there was a lot less, which made it a lot less stressful. We were able to do whatever we needed to do without being hassled. The other thing I liked was working with the clay. Anthony wasn’t the best at it but I’ve always been good with clay so it was fun to make the stuff we put in the movie. Especially the little things like the fire and his weapons and stuff liked that. Also it looked so cool when we added the special effects to the movie, I really like that program we worked with. There were a lot of fun things in this project and I hope the next one we do can run just like this one did.

There were many difficulties in this project. The biggest thing that got in Anthony’s and my way was that during the middle of the project I was going to be leaving for 2 weeks. Before I left I did everything I could to get caught up. We got pretty far before I left. When I got back 2 weeks later I found out that everything went fine and we were all caught up and I thank Anthony so much for saving me. The biggest problem when I got back was we didn’t have that much planned out so we kind of had to wing it on the audio and some of the scenes. After that I thought everything ran pretty smoothly. Sometime we couldn’t find a camera so we were set back sometimes but we recovered. At the end our project turned out okay we got it finished on time and turned it in easily.

I learned a lot during this project. One of the biggest things I learned is to plan ahead. My partner and I didn’t have that much ready when we needed it. We did ok but winging it wasn’t the best idea. It would have been a lot easier if it was right there ready to go on the project. I also learned it wasn’t the best thing to go on the trip during a project but it was nice to have picked a partner that actually works. I also learned how good I am with working with clay. The last thing I learned is that it helps to pay attention or you will totally get lost on this project. I learned many things on this project and I hope to learn more as the year goes on.

This project was one of the best I’ve done in middle school. I really like the way you set everything up and made sure it wasn’t to stressful. You spaced everything out and made it just right for us. I hope the next project is just as fun as this one.
After we landed in Paris we toured it for so long i can't remember. We took a bus all around town and saw all the major spots,it was one of the coolest citys i've ever been to. After the day was over we ate dinner which was really good we had duck and chocolate moose. We woke up the bext day and took off for Germany were we stayed for the next week and a half. Germany reminded me alot like Wahington and the weather was the same.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

europe trip

Last week I got back from Europe. My trip started on the 16th of october. When we left fo the airport we had to wait for 3 hours before are plane got in, but once it did it was just as boring as waiting for it. The plan ride from Seatac to London is about 9 hours but it seemed like a lot longer. The only thing fun to do on it was watch movies and wait. After 9 hours went by finally started are decent into london. I wase'nt to excited though because afterthat we have to go on an hour flight to Paris. But after that we got Paris and went to the hotel.